Impreuna cu ISG Romania pune la dispozitia membrilor sai urmatoarele joburi:
- Level designer
- Designs a visually attractive architecture along with the Environment Artists
- Scripts the events in the level, balances and finetunes it
- Acts as an interface between the artists and programming to make that level perfect.
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- Grafician 2D
- Creates character concepts, environments and backgrounds in collaboration with the game designer and art director
Conceives the game interface and menus
Makes sure that all the graphic assets have an unitary graphic aspect, in accordance with the game’s determined style
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- 3D Modeler Environment Artist
- Models terrain geometry, level objects and props,
- Collaborates with the level designer to create a visually outstanding level,
- Participates in the creation process by interacting with the game designer, level designer and art director.
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Pentru mai multe detalii si programari la interviu va rugam contactati ISG Romania

Str.Panait Cerna 7, Bl. M44, Sc.3, Ap 65
030991 Sector 3, BUCURESTI
Tel: +40728 011 168
Fax: +4021 327 70 57
Office: +4021 321 51 21